About Us ...
In the early 1980's two operations managers of a large, privately owned security company in the Washington D.C. Metropolitan area decided to strike out on their own. They had been involved in the industry since its infancy and had both helped their company become the dominant security systems provider in the region. But when a much larger nationally know company purchased their employer, they soon realized the new owners did not share the same commitment to customer service as the original owners. The new management seemed to be focused on profitability alone. No longer was customer service and satisfaction the spotlight. This soon began to alienate longstanding customers who began to close their accounts and look elsewhere.
These two men saw an opportunity and decided to launch a new enterprise specifically organized to continue offering the same superior customer service these customers had grown to expect. United Security & Communications, Inc. was created and later incorporated in 1984. It became an immediate success due to the company's intimate knowledge of the security business, the specialized needs of its customers, and their total commitment to providing "Customer First" service.

Always a leader in promoting new security and communications technologies, USCI teams up with the leading manufacturers and vendors in the industry to ensure its customers are always being offered cutting edge equipment and software. For example, we specialize in the latest off-site technologies that not only permit our customers to monitor alarm and annunciation systems, but also video surveillance and access control systems via any means of communication available.
Today, the same ideals that launched USCI are alive and well. Personalized customer service and promotion of the industry's latest technologies are our hallmarks.
Soon large governmental agencies, nationally known companies, major universities and property management firms were being added to the ever-growing customer list. USCI had many opportunities to grow and expand, but its principal owners held back the growth in order to continue being able to offer personalized attention to each of its customers
However, the demand for USCI services and expertise quickly overwhelmed its desire to remain small. A decision was therefore made to permit slow, controlled, incremental growth as new team members were carefully handpicked and brought on board. This careful growth continues to this day.